Welcome to your online classroom for Design and Technology.

I hope you are all well and super excited to begin your GCSE controlled assessment. This part of the course forms your coursework which is 50% of your overall GCSE qualification in D&T. The other 50% is your exam in May 2021.

We will begin with the investigation (16 marks)
- Task Analysis: Page to show your thoughts about all of the contextual challenges (climate emergency, cinema and the coast)

- Product Analysis: Looking at existing products. Ideally products that you have personally used to be able to give them a mini review. Why do they work, any negatives, materials, dimensions, cost, target user etc.

- Client/User group information: A page showing who you are designing for. You could interview a user or seed out a questionnaire to people in a particular user group and analyse results.

- Designer Research/ Design movements/ Materials/ Processes etc